The Day of the Hungarian Folktale 🇭🇺📚❤️

~One of our most ancient and precious heritage is the Hungarian folk tale. The Hungarian soul speaks in it. ~

Albert Wass

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In our kindergarten we commemorate Elek Benedek’s birthday every year, which is the Day of the Hungarian Folktale. The unique and rich world of folk tales entertains children, transports them to the realm of fantasy and teaches them the truths of life. On this day in our kindergarten, we talked about folk tales, selected pictures for the “Folktale – Quiz” exercise, and learned about the Hungarian folk tale ” Kacor király”. It is important for us that the children are also part of the world conjured up by the voice of the storyteller, so this year the children tried to participate in the Folktale Day programme, as they were the characters themselves, thus becoming part of the “Kacor király” story.