The Terebesfejérpatak Kindergarten Section of the P. Katalin Frangepán Grammar School

The Terebesfejérpatak Kindergarten Section of the P. Katalin Frangepán Grammar School

„Kindergarten children are confident in spirit, infinite in resources and eager to learn everything. Everything is possible for them”
/Robert Fulghum/

    Our kindergarten is the best choice for those parents who would like to insure diverse nursing and maximal comfort for their children.

    The children are being taken care of by professional, loving, enthusiastic, kindergarten teachers, nanny and colleagues, nursing them in loving and peaceful family conditions, working together with the parents and paying special importance to the children’s need. Well qualified pedagogues work in our team. For us it is important that besides having proper nursing and educational process, they reach out to all children with their love and interest.

If you chose our kindergarten we insure the following for your children:

  • The kindergarten insures diverse nursing and education from the age of three till schooling
  • The kindergarten insures healthy and various meals three times a day
  • We start the year on the 1st of September and end it on the 31st of May.  In September we focus on the educational and nursing tasks. After May we focus on the relaxation and camping  period where we emphasize more on trips, folkgames for children and games to develop their movement skills
  • Every age group will find its sufficient didactic and developing games here. The comfortable, spacious group-rooms with modern furniture and IT equipment help the educational and nursing process to be efficient.
  • For us it is important to prepare children before schooling and to build a connection with the schools. We pay special attention to develop reading and writing skills for children who are ahead of schooling
  • Folklore is the basis of the kindergarten’s pedagogical direction. Those who chose our kindergarten will be given the opportunity to acquire and preserve the Hungarian language and culture, with the help of professional pedagogues and modern equipment.

    The kindergarten is open from 7:00-17:00 every day with the exception of Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

    The number of children who can attend the kindergarten is 23. We have one mixed group with 23 children; age group 3-6.

Our Address: 90625., Terebesfejérpatak, Trybushanska street, 148.

     To register your child you need the following:

  • a signed application by the parent
  • medical certificate, which proves that the child is healthy and can attend the kindergarten
  • a copy of the child’s birth certificate

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