The Kindergarten Section of Szerednye of the P. Katalin Frangepán Grammar School

The Elementary School Section of Szerednye
The Kindergarten Section of Szerednye of the P. Katalin Frangepán Grammar School
„Kindergarten children are confident in spirit, infinite in resources and eager to learn everything. Everything is possible for them”
/Robert Fulghum/
The kindergarten section of Szerednye was opened in September 2020. It is situated in a quiet location surrounded by family-houses; close to the town centre and a fishpond. In the kindergarten there are two group-rooms and two bedrooms. The group-rooms are various. They are equipped with entertaining and developing games, which are fitting for all groups. These games are easy to use, aesthetic and safe. In the yard there is a slide, a sandbox, a swing and other forms of relaxing. In the kindergarten currently there is one mixed group with 19 children and a group of 16 children who are the same age. In the kindergarten the education of children between the ages of 3-6 is taking place. We get children acquainted with the Hungarian language and culture with the help of games. The main aim of our kindergarten is to acquire, preserve and teach a language and culture which is forgotten or it is used by less people with the help of child- and family friendly environment and professional pedagogical workers.

The Kindergarten Section of Szerednye
We pay special attention to the following:
- game centred learning
- experiential education
- teaching of folkdances, folksongs and folkgames
Games are the centre of our educational program. This form is the basis of our kindergarten. We believe that games are the most important, the most developing and most effective form of activities for children.
Our children are introduced to folklore games, folklore dances and music on a weekly basis. The motives of folklore dances, music are built in on a daily basis
Our main aims are: looking after the health of children, showing them a healthy lifestyle, developing a hygienic culture, helping children fitting in the school community and insuring the development of personality traits.
The kindergarten is open from Monday to Friday from 8:00-18:00. The kindergarten insures healthy and various meals three times a day
Our Address: 89452, Szerednye, Lynska street 43.
E-mail: p.frangepan.szerednye@gmail.com
To register your child you need the following:
- a signed application by the parents or close relatives of the family
- medical certificate, which proves that the child is healthy and can attend the kindergarten
- a copy of the child’s birth certificate and vaccination certificate