Events at the Homok Kindergarten of the P. Katalin Frangepán Grammar School

Events at the Homok Kindergarten of the P. Katalin Frangepán Grammar School January – February Bird house With the onset of winter, some birds migrate south, while overwinterers have difficulty finding food and water. So our kindergarten teachers talked to the children about the importance of feeding the birds that winter here. And as part … Read more

Here comes February, here comes Carnival!​

Here comes February, here comes Carnival! There are plenty of folk customs, games, and traditions associated with this holiday. Our little students had the opportunity to get acquainted with these. The most widespread tradition is wearing carnival costumes, and we can say that, from a child’s perspective, this is what carnival is all about. In … Read more

On 8 February, the Nagyberezna Kindergarten of the P. Katalin Frangepán Grammar School held its traditional carnival.

Carnival On 8 February, the Nagyberezna Kindergarten of the P. Katalin Frangepán Grammar School held its traditional carnival. Both the children and the staff of the institution were enthusiastically preparing for the winter-expelling event. Carnival is always a particularly anticipated time in the lives of children because it’s when their imagination can roam freely, and … Read more


Report The Advent period is somewhat different from the rest of the year. Advent offers the opportunity for quiet reflection and joyful anticipation. Everyone is waiting for something or someone. Those of faith await the birth of the Savior Jesus, while many families eagerly anticipate coming together. Here within the institution’s walls, we endeavor to … Read more

Planting wheat seeds on Saint Luca's Day at the P. Katalin Frangepán Grammar School’s Homok Kindergarten

Planting wheat seeds on Saint Luca's Day at the P. Katalin Frangepán Grammar School’s Homok Kindergarten Several traditions are linked to 13 December, for example kotyolás, carving Luca’s chair, Luca’s calendar and planting Luca-wheat seeds. Planting Luca-wheat seeds: The ladies of the village planted wheat seeds in flat bowls near the kiln, which turned green … Read more

Our kindergarteners participated in making and decorating gingerbread

Our kindergarteners participated in making and decorating gingerbread Today the toddlers had an unforgettable experience. They could participate in the making and decorating of the gingerbread. They got to know the ingredients of gingerbread, tried out the kneading and stretching of the dough, and decorated it according to their imagination. Children have the opportunity to … Read more

The Day of the Hungarian Folktale

The Day of the Hungarian Folktale 🇭🇺📚❤️ ~One of our most ancient and precious heritage is the Hungarian folk tale. The Hungarian soul speaks in it. ~ Albert Wass In our kindergarten we commemorate Elek Benedek’s birthday every year, which is the Day of the Hungarian Folktale. The unique and rich world of folk tales … Read more